Presenters (2013)

Nancy Beals is the Coordinator for Acquisitions and Electronic Resources for the Wayne State University Library System. The library system is comprised of six libraries including a law library, a medical library, and an archive. Her main job duties consist of acquisition of all library materials, participating in collection development, troubleshooting electronic access issues, and managing the ERM. She is currently involved in projects that include technical services workflow redesign and the Transfer initiative.

As OCLC’s Content Manager, Business Development, Bill Carney is responsible for developing products and services that enhance discovery of and access to library content collections. Bill’s recent projects include a global program to synchronize World Cat with book collections and piloting of a centralized database of information describing the copyright status of books. During his 20 plus years with OCLC, Bill has managed and worked on a diverse portfolio of products, including Passport for Windows, the serials Holdings service and OCLC’s flagship cataloging service, Connation. Bill holds a BS degree in business administration and marketing from The Ohio State University.

Since 2011 Lucy Duhon has been Scholarly Communications Librarian for the University Libraries at The University of Toledo.   Prior to this role, she managed traditional journal and electronic resource collections for the libraries.  Ms. Duhon also serves as subject liaison to the UT Art Department. 
During her first year in this new role, Ms. Duhon formed an open access steering committee which conducted an institution-wide survey which gathered information on the practice and perceptions of open access scholarship and publishing by faculty and researchers at The University of Toledo.   This was followed in 2012 with a local mini-conference on open access scholarship.  The University Libraries are currently investigating options for an institutional repository.  The adoption of an open access policy, with a formal mechanism for funding OA scholarship at the institutional level remains the biggest challenge.  Possible approaches to this challenge will be discussed.

Barbara S. Dunham is Associate Professor and Licensing and Electronic Resources Librarian at The Ohio State University.  She is responsible for the licensing and acquisition of electronic resources.  Prior to becoming the Licensing and Electronic Resources Librarian, she held positions as Catalog Coordinator for Western Languages and Serials Cataloger at the University. Barbara holds an M.L.I.S. from Kent State University and an M.A.T. from Indiana University in Biology.  She is an active member of the American Society for Information Science & Technology where she has served on both national and regional committees and the American Library Association.

Deberah England is the Electronic Resources Librarian at Wright State University where she is responsible for acquiring, licensing, and managing e-resources. She has served on executive boards, committees, and tasks forces for several professional library organizations including NISO’s ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review and has published and presented at national and regional conferences and workshops. Deberah was awarded the "TEDDY Award for Distinguished Service by an ALAO Member in the Fields of Technical, Electronic, and Digital Services" by the Academic Library Association of Ohio and is the founder of the Great Lakes E-Summit. 

Cindy Kristof currently serves as Head of Access Services at Kent State University Libraries, managing the Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Reserves, and Copyright Services operations.  She also serves as Subject Librarian to the College of Applied Engineering, Sustainability, and Technology.  She assists in the development and revision of in-house copyright policies and regularly assists colleagues, faculty, and students with their questions about the use of copyrighted materials.  She contributed the copyright chapter for the 3rd edition of the Interlibrary Loan Practices Handbook. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga and gardening.

Andrea Langhurst is currently Program Director for Resource Acquisitions and Discovery at the University of Notre Dame, Hesburgh Libraries.  Andy has been at Notre Dame since 2008, previously working as Licensing/Acquisitions Librarian and unit manager for the Electronic Resources and Acquisitions Pay Services unit. Before coming to Notre Dame, she worked as Technical Services Librarian at GE Global Research, a corporate library outside Albany, NY.  Andy received her MLIS in 2004 from the University of Iowa. (Photo is forthcoming.)

Professor Lipinski completed his Juris Doctor (J.D.) from Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, received the Master of Laws (LL.M.) from The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Illinois, and the Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Mr. Lipinski has worked in a variety of legal settings including the private, public and non-profit sectors. He has taught at the American Institute for Paralegal Studies and at Syracuse University College of Law. In summers he is a visiting faculty at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he teaches courses in information policy and legal issues for libraries and information managers.

Professor Lipinski teaches, researches and speaks frequently on various topics within the areas of information law and policy, especially copyright, free speech and privacy issues in schools and libraries.  He is a national leader in copyright education, developing and teaching online continuing education courses for both ACRL and the University of Maryland University College, chairs both the American Library Association, Office of Information Technology Policy, Copyright Education Subcommittee and the Association of College and Research Libraries, Copyright Discussion Group, and is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations, Copyright and Other Legal Matters Committee.

 Professor Lipinski was the first named member of the Global Law Faculty, Faculty of Law, University of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Belgium, in Fall of 2006 where he continues to lecture annually at its Centers for Intellectual Property Rights and Interdisciplinary Center for Law and ICT and will be Visiting Professor, in 2014 at the Université Lille Nord de France, College Doctoral, ED SHS Lille de Nord, Université Lille 3 - BP 60149, 59653 Lilleneuve d’Ascq CEDEX.

Since January, 2013 he is Professor and Director of the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.

Kristi L. Palmer earned a B.A. in History from Ball State University in 1999 and a Master in Library Science from Indiana University in 2001.  She has worked professionally in the arena of digital collection organization and metadata creation for 12 years supporting the creation of faculty, student, and community-driven digital scholarship and cultural heritage collections.  Palmer’s research interests include open access, scholarly communication, and Indianapolis history, with her publications and presentations on the topics earning her recognition as one of Library Journal’s Movers & Shakers in 2009.  In addition to leading IUPUI University Library Digital Scholarship Team, Palmer also provides collection development and research instruction for the Department of History, and Programs of Women’s Studies and American Studies

David Scherer is the Scholarly Repository Specialist in the Purdue Libraries at Purdue University. David’s role includes serving as a representative for Purdue Libraries’ Scholarly Publishing Services and as the manager of the Purdue e-Pubs digital repository ( David’s professional interests include: collection development, scholarly communication, open access, institutional repositories, and the usage of archival collections in classroom instruction. David earned his MSLIS in Archives Management and MA in History from Simmons College. A native Hoosier and Boilermaker, David also earned a BA in History from Purdue.

As Duke University’s first Director of Copyright & Scholarly Communications, Kevin Smith’s principal role is to teach and advise faculty, administrators and students about copyright, intellectual property licensing and scholarly publishing. He is a librarian and an attorney (admitted to the bar in Ohio and North Carolina) and also holds a graduate degree in religion from Yale University. At Duke, Kevin serves on the University’s Intellectual Property Board and Digital Futures Task Force, and he convenes the Open Access Advisory Panel. He is the current Chair of the ACRL’s Research and Scholarly Environment Committee and serves on the SPARC Steering Committee. His highly-regarded web log on scholarly communications ( discusses copyright and publication in academia, and he is a frequent speaker on those topics.

George Stachokas is the Head of Resource Services for Purdue University Libraries. Resource Services is responsible for acquisitions, metadata services, digitization services, and electronic resources management. George holds an M.S.L.I.S. from the University of Illinois, an M.A. in History from Indiana State University, and a B.S. in Economics from Purdue University. Current projects include analytics and assessment for electronic resources and a forthcoming book to be published in 2014, After the Book: Information Services for the 21st Century.

Anneliese Taylor is the Assistant Director for Scholarly Communications and Collections at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Library. Anneliese supports scholarly communication initiatives such as UCSF’s Open Access Policy and oversees collection development and technical services. She has been with UCSF since 2003, when she began as the Collection Development Manager. Prior to UCSF, she worked as a librarian at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania and at George Mason University in Virginia. She earned her MLIS from the University of Texas, Austin and her BA from Sarah Lawrence College.